How is my China Trip Going? Part 3: Emergency Dumplings

Today I have to offer a shout-out to Xishu Garden Inn. It’s where I am staying and they helped me through a rough patch in my life.  I woke up at around 6am today in Chengdu, China due to jetlag once again but it was different.  My stomach was on a warpath.  It demanded dumplings and it would not be ignored.  Outside my window I saw salvation.


There was fresh dumplings being built a stones throw from my window.  I headed down to the lobby and was blocked however.  My hotel locks up until 7:30 and you must text someone to open the door.  I had no phone so I used a phone at the counter and within a few minutes Cindy showed up to unlock the door.


Bless her heart even though she didn’t understand the need for a selfie.  She saw my pain and offered to walk with me to get dumplings in case I died along the way, which was possible.  She ordered for me because my usual method of pointing and grunting wouldn’t work this time.


I was ready to have the dumplings inside me, and Xishu Garden Inn helped that with a translator/safety escort.  I mean see for yourself, it was chaos on that street.


But in all seriousness this hotel is great.  They have cool panda sculptures everywhere and a great bar on the roof.  Plus they speak great English and go the extra mile to help you.  I feel my life has approached normalcy once again and will not require another early morning post to vent with.  Thanks to all of you for listening.

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